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February 2015 - In This Issue:
Grow Your Annual Revenue By 15% !!! Reduce Your Total Cost By 30% utilizing our unique Hybrid Workflow Model.
Patient Engagement is all about Accessibility, Accountability and Assurance
Patient Engagement is all about Accessibility, Accountability and Assurance

Bringing Corporate Culture in Medical Practice Management
Bringing Corporate Culture in Medical Practice Management
Patient Healthcare Costs Rise Again Strategy to Increase Revenue
According to a recent article dated November 13th, 2014 on, "Worker Out-Of-Pocket Health Costs Have Doubled In Five Years", the healthcare landscape is predicted to change even further in 2015. Read more..

Bringing Corporate Culture in Medical Practice Management could lead to 3 Rs
"Management" is a process of dealing with or controlling things, processes, technology or people. Just like any other business, we find success and failure stories in Medical Practice Management as well. Read more..
Needless Ways Your Practice Is Losing Money
Did you know that between 2009 and 2012, insurance denials for claims for reasons like inclusive procedures, not meeting medical necessity, required medical documentation, among others, has increased by almost 37 percent? Read more..
When it Pays to Sweat the Small Stuff
Anyone who's ever reorganized a dishwasher understands the importance of optimization. You know that the dirty side of plates should face the middle. Read more..
Patient (customer) Engagement is
all about "Accessibility, Accountability and Assurance"
We have been hearing a lot that future of medicine is "Patient Centric". Read More..

Vishal Gandhi
(908) 834-1608

Our work and our people are regularly covered in publications around the world.